Sunday, October 07, 2007

Back on the Farm

After a couple of days on the road, I managed to get back to central Texas. I had a nice evening with Jon in San Marcos/Gruene, Texas, and then settled at my farm in Temple for a few days of projects and fishing. Then, Tommy invited me to join him and Lyn for dove hunting in south Texas, so we had a nice day trip there. I plan to spend the next few weeks catching up with friends and relatives here in Texas.

Speaking of farming, a lot has changed since I tried my hand at it. A few days ago, the fellow who works my place showed up with his tractor and plow to turn under the remains of the corn after combining. He worked about 3-4 hours and completed plowing half my 200 acres. He showed up a couple of days later and completed the job. In between, I caught the above glimpse of his tractor. If that is not intimidating enough, you should see his planter and combine. The planter takes up most of my 30’x40’ barn in its folded configuration. I can’t imagine how many bushels of corn it takes to pay for these babies. There was a time I thought I might actually take over the farming one day, but on second thought, I think I’ll just keep puttering around and collecting the checks while letting him do the work.

Besides, that gives me more time to watch football. Tight wins by both the Aggies and Texans this weekend provided plenty of excitement.
I attended church today at Western Hills Church of Christ in Temple. They were having a "We are the Sermon Day" today, with just short devotionals at the normal time in the morning and evening. In between, they worked on service projects, working on the local Ronald McDonald's house, several other local charities and homes of elderly and disabled. Looks like several hundred participated. There was quite a buzz. No wonder the congregation is growing.


nemattox said...

I'm glad that you are getting to see so many loved ones. Hope you told them all "Hi" for Ryan and I! And, the church in Temple sounds really vibrant - Glen Titus, Ryan, and I were discussing this post today, and thought maybe we would try to get something like this going at Cape Fear. We'll see...

max said...

It definitely seemed to work for them. Of course, the extent of participation and dedication is part of what made it work, along with the positive attitude. I'm not sure which comes first, the attitude or the project. Further to my post yesterday, the project was a prominent and positive story on the front page of the local newspaper today. Granted, Temple and the Temple Telegram are not huge, but probably comparable to Wilmington.

jswaters said...

We prayed thanks for all your safe travels at small group last night and for your return to the familiar places in Texas. We (I) also sent up some thanksgiving for Texas while I was at it :)

Good to know you're back among friends and family, but I hope you get bored with their company soon and decide to come back out to Wilmington. The Mark study is going great (Ryan is doing a great job of keeping us moving forward) and I think you'd enjoy the messages we're getting from members on Sunday mornings. Just thought I'd throw that plug in there :)

max said...

Hey, great to know someone is reading and interested. I'm also happy to know things are going well in Wilmington.